Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Its the first day of class and as usual I am freaking out. I don't know what to expect or who going to be in my class, I feel like I am in high all over again. I have never taken a business class before and I don't really know anything about business. I find a friend and immediately sit next to her looking around at the familiar faces of the other students in my grade level. Class starts and the first I actually hear and take in from the teacher is that it is okay if you haven't taken a business class before, this book was intended for students like you. I take a breathe and relax as my teacher begins to go over the syllabus. we start talking about being a entrepreneur and the benefits of it as well as the losses. As we discuss these things I start to think about myself and if I would be able to handle being a business owner. Do I have the strength and skills for it, will I be good at it. Would my dancing inspire people to want to learn to dance? So many question went through my head and I begin to stress myself out, which I am very good at.
We then started watching a entrepreneur show called "shark tank". I really liked the show, I didn't understand a couple of the things they discussed, mostly the things when it came to numbers. But other than that I liked it a lot. The main thing that I gained from the show was that it doesn't matter how well your product is, if your numbers and sell prices aren't good you wont make a good business. Being a business owner is a very difficult thing to do and it is definitely something you have to love and want to do whole heartedly because it is going to be very challenging and you will fail at some point and you will have people telling you that you wont succeed but I guess that comes with anything. I did agree with the teacher when she mentioned that someone's business becomes their baby, I have always known that. Its something you created and watched grow, how could it not become a child to someone?
For my entrepreneurial experience we decided to be the singing sweethearts. We will have a little package with a stuffed animal,card, candy, and a flower. We thought it would be nice to have the price be cheaper for students and a little more expensive for adults. So for the students it would be $3 and then $5 for adults. Now we just have to figure out the songs to sing to them and when we can practice so that we sound good.

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